The governing board believes that comprehensive planning that is aligned with the office’s local control and accountability plan (LCAP) is necessary at each school in order to focus school improvement efforts on student academic achievement and facilitate the effective use of available resources. The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that school plans provide clear direction and identify cohesive strategies aligned with school and district goals.
For any school that participates in specified state and/or federal categorical programs, the school site council or other schoolwide advisory committee shall consolidate the plans required for those categorical programs into a single plan for student achievement (SPSA). (Education Code 64001)
As appropriate, a school may incorporate any other school program into the SPSA. (Education Code 64001)
The Superintendent or designee shall review each school’s SPSA to ensure that it meets the content requirements for all programs included, is based on an analysis of current practices and student academic performance, and reasonably links improvement strategies to identified needs of the school and its students. He/she shall also ensure that specific actions included in the district’s LCAP are consistent with the strategies identified in each school’s SPSA.
The Board shall, at a regularly scheduled Board meeting, review and approve each school’s SPSA and any subsequent material revisions affecting the academic programs for students participating in the categorical programs addressed in the SPSA. The Board shall certify that, to the extent allowable under federal law, the SPSA is consistent with district local improvement plans required as a condition of receiving federal funding. (Education Code 64001)
Whenever the Board does not approve a school SPSA, it shall communicate its specific reasons for disapproval of the plan to the school site council or committee. The school site council or committee shall then revise and resubmit the SPSA to the Board for its approval. (Education Code 52855)
The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that school administrators and school site council members receive training on the roles and responsibilities of the site council.
Legal Reference
- 33133 Information guide for school site councils
- 35147 Open meeting laws exceptions
- 52060-52077 Local control and accountability plan
- 52176 Advisory committees
- 52852 School site councils
- 54000-54028 Educational Disadvantaged Youth Programs
- 54425 Advisory committees (compensatory education)
- 64000 Categorical programs included in consolidated application
- 64001 Single school plan for student achievement, consolidated application programs
- 3930-3937 Compliance plans
- 6311 Accountability, adequate yearly progress
- 6312-6319 Title I programs; plans
- 6421-6472 Programs for neglected, delinquent, and at-risk children and youth